Remote Healing
Remote Healing works in conjunction with quantum biology. Quantum biology is the process of light transforming into chemicals. When we get a cut on our finger, it is not the band-aid that does the healing, rather the innate forces in our bodies create healing processes from light. The methods I use are based on Dr. Sue Morter’s work, Remote Healing: Transmission & Techniques.
In this technique, I become fully present in my signature energy, and when you and your highest self grant permission, I interface with your energy system. During the remote healing, some people say they feel champagne bubbles on their skin, others say they feel waves of energy, still others say they feel nothing— all of it is good. Read below about the 2 types of sessions I offer and determine which one is right for you.
Remote Healing Mini.
I specialize in chronic conditions. Long-standing health challenges need soft, nurturing, and directed care. When the body has been dealing with aliments for some time, it is already taxed, so the most well-received treatments are small and bite-sized, hence the Remote Healing Mini.
How does the Remote Healing Mini work?
First, I interface with your higher self and your energy system.
Next, I will take my list of bodily, emotional, and energetic systems and I will ask:
What is the next most effective place to work on to have more than enough energy to:
get up out of bed in the morning
go and do the things I want to do with joy
feel great in my body
have joy in my heart and my mind
have enough vitality to invent new things
have a harmonized mind, body, emotions, and soul.
From the answer to this question, I will direct my energy to those one or two prioritized areas. Quantum biology works with harmonizing foundational energies first, so the prioritized areas may be surprising, and non-logical. In my opinion, I follow the energy because this leads to less chance of symptom flare-ups.
Each session ends with a visualization of showering violet, gold and silver shimmering white light.
Remote Healing Full.
Have you received a series of Remote Healing Minis? Or are you free of chronic conditions and looking for more in depth healing? Or are you a student of Dr. Sue Morter’s work trending more to the front side of the model? Then a Remote Healing Full may be right for you.
How does the Remote Healing Full work?
First, I interface with your higher self and your energy system.
Next, I go through my whole list of bodily, emotional and energetic systems and love each system into wholeness.
While performing this healing, I feel messages about the systems that are in disharmony. At the end of the session you will have a full report about any systems that had disharmonies.
This is a complete harmonizing of all systems and a very deep healing. Thus it is not suitable for the first remote healing of chronic conditions because in that case it may cause a flare-up of symptoms.
Each session ends with a visualization of showering violet, gold and silver shimmering white light.
After session care:
Drink more water than usual
Rest more
Listen to soothing music
Take an Epsom salt bath
Take a walk in nature
Go to bed early
The body needs time for the Remote Healing to integrate. Doing items on this after session care list will help. Also, listening to any playlist in the top 3 rows here will facilitate this.
There may be fluctuations in energy over the next few days as the body reconfigures. Avoid the trap of constantly measuring how you feel. Perhaps instead assess how you feel overall in 1-2 week(s) and decide on another session, if needed.
What should I do to prepare for a remote healing session?
Be well hydrated so drink a lot of water the day before and morning of the remote healing. If you can avoid alcohol for a day, please do. Have a comfortable nest made with blankets and pillows on your bed, or sofa or mat for the session. Have water near by.
How will I feel after a remote healing session?
Different people react differently. You may be tired or you may be buzzing with energy. In any case, take care of yourself. A good rule of thumb is to follow the after care suggestions above.
Who is Dr. Sue Morter?
Dr. Sue Morter is founder and visionary of the Morter Institute, an organization committed to teaching individuals self-healing techniques and a new approach to life based on Quantum Science, the elevation of consciousness and life mastery. Morter Institute bridges science, spirit and human possibility. You can check out on her YouTube Channel.
To Schedule:
If you are new, please schedule a free consultation first. Or choose your desired session.
Click the session you want > Click ‘Set time zone’ > Choose a time > Fill in the form > Click ‘Complete Appointment’